This work was initially made for "Práticas da Fotografia" at FBAUP 2010 - 2011. We had to make a portrait of someone and I decided to do some photos of Ana (graziasgraziasgrazias) wearing a panda mask. She did the mask though! After all it was "her" portrait ;). This was made on studio, with 6x6 film.
There was an upcoming event at TOCA (TOCA NO GALINHEIRO) and I had this idea that we should make a "family portrait" of whoever showed up on this event. It was perfect to be made at TOCA, because with the Panda faces we are showing ourselves as part of a group, and not as single individuals. I'm not, by any chance, saying that people should not be who they are, regardless of what group they are part of. But, in this case, we were trying to take a picture of an ideal, and not of a specific or defined human being.
So here comes the hard part of the work, making 50~ panda masks. It might look like it's not that much , but Ana did them all alone, so yes, she pretty much did all the work (thank you again!!!).
Work made for "Práticas da Fotografia" at FBAUP 2010 / 2011.
Everyone in the world has the right to tell their story, even those who, apparently, have nothing to say.
As the work was kindof simple, I thought that I should get it presented in a better way. I made a wooden logo with rests of chopped pieces and I made some fanzines that my colleagues could take for free as a reminder of my work and a symbol of "free-art-trading".
Artists, specially the starting ones, shouldn't take themselves too serious, in my opinion. Trading art, giving art, receiving art, should be all done with the only goal of learning and sharing concepts. Ofcourse eventually you will need to make money... but there should be always space for free/low-cost trading of artworks and ideas.
Ah, yes, I almost forgot. I also did a hand-made booklet with photos taken at night, with flash. I might put some photos up later from the pages.
Bunch of photographs made at my village - Fornos / Freixo de Espada á Cinta. Thank you for existing and being there.
Christmas is gone but we're still here.
Random fun on digital photos.